Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How childrens are trade

C Q Researcher Aug.31 2001.Volume 11,Nov 29.

In September Unite State decide to stop the global explotation of children. Millions of children are kidnapped and used as Soldiers or sold into sexual bondage or force labor.Twenty millions live on the streets of third world cities, and ten millions suffer or die because of malnutrition. Many child advocates want the unite states t commit more money to the U.N.S Aids war chest.

Children were consigned to factory life by their own parents for economic reasons. In large cities, children as young 6 often worked alongside their provety-strapped parents, Tens or Thousand of Young girl worked as domestics, while boys hawked newspaper or sold trinkets on the streets.

Trafficking in Boys and Girls.
Children as young as 6 are forced to toil in sweatshops, agricultural fields and brothers. It is incomprehensible that trafficking in human beings should be tasking place in the 21 st century; U.S secretary of state Colin L Powell said this summer. It's Incomprehensible but it's true very true.Trafficking has long been prevalent in Albania,where young women and girl are frequently abducted or tricked through employment scams and sold to pimps and brothers in Italy, Greece and other European nations.And south Korean girls are frequently trafficked for sexual exploitation to the Unite States and other western countries. In some societies, parents sell their children to more affluent friends relatives or strangers in the hope that they will have better lives.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting more info for us-- your topic even relates somewhat to what we're doing in class!

missymelissa2k8 said...

It is really nerving to me how all of these horrible things are happening in the world, and here in America we are concerned about celebrities and fashion! We are actually concerned! about these things. I'm not sure how these things on our life became more important than the well being of other humans. I read a quote the other day that said we cannot just try to better our community or even our own country but the whole world, only than can we as a race be in a better place, and can life actually have meaning.

Crisol Tellez said...

I think its very sad how children are used as soldiers and sold for sexual use. What kind of selfish son of a b*&%# would do something like that?