Tuesday, January 15, 2008

#12 Kid's Health trumps presidential whims.

The name of the article is kid's health trumps presidential.The author of this article said "let's see if we have this correct because because he's not agree with the things that the president of the US is doing nothing about the country.The author said this is not fare and that can not keep going, the president of the US
is not helping our child's he prefer helping the soldiers who are in war.

Bush spend 12 millions per month to continue the Iraq war, but the author wrote when it's come Americans uninsured children's-thousand of whooms live in New Mexico - there are not money.7 billions per year increases in the state children's Health insurance program, which has widespread bipartisan support in Congress.New Mexico entire Congressional delegation to support ship's expansion without reservation and to override a presidential veto-if Bush is so unwise as to take that course.

83 percent of Americans support renewing SCHIP,which is set to aspire this fall unless congress acts, 90 percent of Americans believe that at the least, every Americans child should get basic health care. to many are sick, and are not getting the medical care because they are uninsured, and their parents can not afford to pay.
the last thing that the author said was that the president Bush have it to take care, and help those child's with the medical Health.

On my opinion I agree with the author because he's right, Bush is not doing anything to help the child's with a medical care.Today and right now to many children's die because they not have enough money to pay a good medical.How the author said that he preferred to help the soldiers who are in the Iraq was, that is not obligatory that Bush spend the money in the war. That so sad because Bush just throughout the money for no good reason, that he would or should do it is help, and take care of this child's that every day are dying.that is my opinion.


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