Saturday, January 19, 2008

Children in crisis esay.

I am glad about my topic because I thought that is going to be a very good reading. so I choose this topic because I like to express my felling, and some people maybe don't know about whats going on in my topic,so my topic is, Children's in Crisis and it talk about all the poor child's in Africa and all the world.It doesn't matter where the child's are from, that what we have to take care about is that what I'm going to tell if you don't have any idea about this....the first thing that I'm going to say is that this is really happening and we should can stooped but the reason that we don't do it is because we're afraid, and we don't know why. So in this World Millions of innocents child are dying for the reason that they don't have enough money to have a good life i said good life because they are poor and they have days that they don't heaved eat anything in day,weeks or maybe month so also they do not have a medical care in little words they don't have right, because the government is not helping them.I thing the most important thing in this case it is that if we have the opportunity to help we have to do it.Know, and learn about what is really happening."This is very important" We have everything, and we live good an comfortable but we have to think about this child and help them just with a little bit that we can give them.
I think I do think that I do well because some people did not know about all this that is happening to us child's.The hardest par of my topic was to believe all this, and the most easier part was that we can and we should help.
If some one was going to read my blog I prefer that the person read the one that talks about the president of the USA that talks about how he is spending the money in the Iraq war.
I would like ti tell that I enjoy doing this because we have to know what is going on in the world I expect that you heaved enjoyed thanks.

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